3D Print
I have looked high and low after a 3D printer, fascinated by the possibilities.
I chose a PRUSA I3 clone, and a little randomly believes the Anet A8 version, there are several vaiants to choose from. But since it with shipping, VAT and taxes could be purchased for approx. DKK 1800 I turned to.
I had also considered a couple Delta variants that printer faster. But I chose out from the price as well as Anet get good reviews.
If you have a 3D printer, or access to one, you can choose to print the plastic stumps to a new printer, or there are upgrades or mods you are able to find the stumps that can be found on thingiverse.com If one does not even choose to draw them. NASA also has "released" a number of 3D models on their homepage
Another search engine for topics is Yeggi.com as seek across various websites with projects.
At the same time I work on if I need to use Octoprint or Astroprint have I print a webcam holder so I have the opportunity to check it, I printer when I can't be at home all the time. In addition, the plan is to be able to interrupt 230 V supply via the Internet if a print fails, as I cannot see any reason to spend 11 hours on a misinterprint, or automatic if there is smoke development.
Here is a website where the Anet A8 printer I have chosen, reviewed, at Pevly.com >>
I describe the printer more in depth here as well as some improvements I have made. All 3D printers have and a selection of software to get started.
There are some security issues with all 3D printers if the thermostat falls of the hotend, then the printer keeps heating, as the software believes that the printer is too cold, therefore 3D printers should not run unattended. Do not let this scare you, but a smokedetector is mandatory as a minimum. A large print can easily take 36 hours or more, and you can not be pressent all the time. I have worked on a firefly who turns off the printer if it smokes, or becomes too hot, another solution I look at is a thermal fuse, mounted In a porcelain connector. Adding a mosfet for hotbed and heating element can remove the current load from the printers pcb.